8 Things You Must Try to Make your Mushroom Trip More Fun

mushroom trip

So you’d like to make your psychedelic mushroom trip more fun next time?

I’ve got some ideas from you.

Drawing from my knowledge and experience, I’ve curated seven unforgettable experiences that will elevate your mushroom trip to new heights.

Read on for tips and practical takeaways to supercharge your trip.

1) Engage in Mindful Activities

For me, the most enriching part of a mushroom trip lies in the choice of activities.

Psychedelic mushrooms, as we know, can significantly alter perceptions and open up new dimensions of thought and feeling.

This makes it ideal for engaging in mindful activities that take on a new depth and meaning during the trip.

I find that activities such as painting or listening to music can take on a whole new dimension.

For instance, painting while tripping can lead to creating truly unique and expressive art as you tap into emotions and perceptions that you usually might not access.

Similarly, music can be experienced on an entirely new level, with every note resonating deeply and every lyric taking on profound significance.

Engaging in these mindful activities allows you to not just have fun during your trip, but also to explore your creativity and emotions in ways you may not have previously considered.

This results in an experience that is not just entertaining but also deeply personal and enlightening.

2) Choose a Serene Setting

One integral but often overlooked aspect of a mushroom trip is the setting.

The environment can hold significant sway over your experience.

Choosing a serene and comfortable setting for your trip can greatly enhance your enjoyment.

The beauty of nature, for instance, can provide a perfect backdrop for your journey, amplifying the effects of the mushrooms and creating a sense of connectedness with your surroundings.

A serene setting also promotes relaxation and eases anxiety that might arise during the trip.

It’s not just about physical comfort—it’s about creating a space where you can explore new perspectives and experiences without worry or distraction.

And if you’re wondering where to start, here are some tips:

  • Look for a place where you feel safe and at ease.
  • Choose natural settings like forests or beaches for their calming effects.
  • Ensure minimal disturbances to maintain the tranquility of your experience.

So, when planning your next mushroom trip, remember to give due consideration to choosing the right setting—it could make all the difference!

3) Embrace Solitude

After selecting the ideal setting, consider experiencing your mushroom trip in solitude.

Now, this may seem counterintuitive, especially if you’re used to socializing during such trips.

But hear me out.

Experiencing a mushroom trip alone provides a different dynamic that can be deeply enriching.

Without the distraction of conversation or the need to consider others, you can fully immerse yourself in the experience.

You gain the freedom to explore your thoughts and emotions without inhibition—a journey into self that can be both fascinating and enlightening.

Of course, safety is paramount.

If you choose to trip alone, ensure someone knows about it and is reachable in case you need them.

But don’t let fear hold you back.

Embrace solitude and discover how it can transform your mushroom trip into an adventure of self-discovery and personal growth.

4) Set an Intention

Ever considered the power of intention for your mushroom trip?

Setting an intention can be a game-changer for your psychedelic journey.

It’s not about controlling the experience, but more about giving it a direction—a focal point that can guide your thoughts and emotions.

When you set an intention, you’re essentially asking yourself:

  • What do I hope to gain from this trip?
  • Is it self-discovery, emotional healing, or simply a fun and enlightening experience?

Determining this beforehand can make your trip more meaningful and profound.

So before your next mushroom trip, take a moment to reflect.

Consider what you want out of the experience and set that as your intention.

You might be surprised at how much depth and direction it adds to your journey.

5) Nourish your Body Well

What you consume before and during your mushroom trip can significantly impact your experience.

Nourishing your body well is essential.

Before the trip, consume food that is light and easy to digest.

You wouldn’t want any digestive discomforts during the trip, would you?

During the trip, staying hydrated is crucial. Fresh fruits can also be a delightful treat, adding a sensory experience with their vibrant colors and juicy flavors.

Here are some suggestions for foods that can support a pleasant mushroom trip:

  • Vegetable broth or miso soup
  • Fresh fruits like oranges, watermelon or strawberries
  • Nuts and seeds for a protein boost
  • Herbal teas for hydration and soothing effects

Remember, nourishing your body well doesn’t just enhance your trip—it’s also an act of self-love that adds to the overall sense of well-being.

6) Stay Open and Flexible

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my experiences with mushroom trips, it’s the value of staying open and flexible.

Psychedelic journeys are unpredictable. No matter how much you plan or set intentions, the trip will unfold in its own unique way.

That’s the beauty of it, really.

So, while it’s important to prepare, it’s equally crucial to let go of rigid expectations and embrace the unexpected.

Maintain an attitude of openness and flexibility—allow the experience to flow naturally.

Remember, we’re here for exploration and enjoyment.

Let’s not confine ourselves within strict boundaries or expectations.

After all, some of the most profound insights and fun moments come from the unexpected twists and turns of a mushroom trip!

7) Incorporate Movement

Imagine this – you’re midway through your mushroom trip, you’re feeling connected, open, and suddenly, you feel an urge to move, to dance, to stretch.

What do you do?

You move!

Incorporating movement during your mushroom trip can be a fun and liberating experience.

Moving your body helps channel the energy coursing through you during the trip.

It can lead to a sense of release, joy, and even provide surprising insights.

Dancing is my personal favorite.

There’s something about losing yourself in the rhythm, letting the music guide your movements while on a mushroom trip that is both fun and deeply therapeutic.

So next time, don’t hold back.

If you feel the urge to move, to dance, to walk—do it. Experience the joy of movement during your mushroom trip. It might just become your new favorite thing!

8) Practice Mindfulness

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, practice mindfulness during your mushroom trip.

Being present and mindful can significantly enhance your trip.

It allows you to fully experience each moment, each sensation, and each thought that arises.

Mindfulness also provides a grounding effect, which can be particularly helpful during the intense moments of the trip.

It’s not just about being aware of your surroundings, but also about being in tune with your inner self.

Observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment can lead to profound insights and a deeper understanding of self.

So as you embark on your mushroom trip, carry mindfulness with you. It might just be the key to unlocking an even more enjoyable and enlightening experience.

How Can These Steps Elevate Your Experience?

Incorporating these eight steps into your mushroom trip preparation and experience can significantly enhance the journey.

It’s not just about making it more fun, but also about creating an environment for self-discovery and personal growth.

  • Mindful activities can unlock creativity.
  • A serene setting provides comfort and ease.
  • Embracing solitude allows for deeper exploration.
  • Setting an intention gives direction.
  • Nourishing your body enhances physical comfort.
  • Staying open and flexible allows for unexpected joys.
  • Incorporating movement can be liberating.
  • Practicing mindfulness keeps you grounded in the experience.

Holistic approaches like these can revolutionize your psychedelic experiences.

But, remember that each trip is unique, as are you.

Use these steps as a guide, but always listen to your own intuition and needs.

After all, this is your adventure. Enjoy it to the fullest!

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing for Decriminalize Psychedelics to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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